Hi All. HOCKEY IS BACK but we are still awaiting news from NHU regarding way forward for any Leagues etc. Once we get this info we will communicate soonest. In the meanwhile Please take note that we have arranged the following practice sessions for all SAINTS members. We will have Astro practice time at Windhoek Gymnasium as follows: Wednesdays 7-8pm starting on 1,8,15,22,29 September & October: 6,13,20,27.
We have also booked Indoor Practice Time at WHK Showgrounds as follows: Thursdays 6:30-7:30pm starting on 2,9,16,23,30 September & October: 7,14,21,28.
This invite is open to all current SAINTS members and any New members that you would like to invite or bring along. Hope to see you all back on the Turf & Courts